In Tapolca, the Tapolcai Trappolok running friendship group has been operating for several decades as an amateur, civilian organisation!
In 2021, we dared to go further, to dream bigger and in November we founded the Tapolcai Trappolók Sports Association. Our goal is to start as an association, now officially, in smaller and bigger races, national championships and international competitions.
We are primarily runners, but we would like to actively support and unite our fellow human beings who want to move and play sports. Be it running, cycling, hiking, etc.!
Our association is open, so anyone from inside or outside the country can join us!
This is how we have managed to get athletes from many municipalities in the country to become active members of our association!
We organize annual races, creating a tradition, where both amateur and more professional runners can find the most suitable distance, route and course for them!
We would like to continuously develop, grow stronger and take an active part in the sporting life of the country and our surrounding area!